Author’s Note: This week’s blog post contains excerpts from the first chapter of my new book “Twelve Inches”. If we are to bridge the gap between what we KNOW about our God and our emotions, the first thing we must do is address those things that make the disconnection. Item number ONE is what we are feeding our minds… 

when your mind is starving

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (NASB)

I looked down at my pretty white outfit and could not believe this outfit  was my choice before leaving home. I knew where I was going. And yet, I chose to wear a brand new white outfit. As I looked at the junk that needed to be moved from the storage area, realization set in. My outfit would be ruined by day’s end. What was I thinking?

Of course. I wasn’t thinking.

One of the reasons many of us have a hard time keeping our faith when facing life’s circumstances is because we allow our minds and lives to become contaminated by our environment.

We go to church on Sundays and put on a white, beautiful garment, as God’s Word molds our character and attitudes. We leave refreshed and empowered to be salt and light. Our beautiful white clothes are ready to reflect godly character in the world. Then, often before Sunday is over, we allow ourselves to be tainted by the junk that the entertainment industry promotes, or waste precious time mindlessly browsing through social media walls.

The choices of what we feed our minds stain our attitude and ruin our commitment to shine. All because we choose to walk into a dumpster wearing beautiful, white garments.

In 1993, the California Milk Association Board created the beloved “Got milk?” advertisement campaign .It successfully ran until 2014 throughout the  United States in broadcast and print and at this writing is still active in California. As you flipped through the pages of just about any magazine in the United States, you were likely to find usually an adult who was an athlete or a celebrity, whose image was connected to good health or strength, wearing a milk moustache. Designed to boost milk sales and milk consumption, it was a famous and powerful advertisement used to instill in adults the desire to drink something that is usually a child’s favorite.

The smart marketers behind the campaign knew exactly what they were doing. Adults don’t generally drink much milk. Children do. Adults like substance. Something they can bite into. Like meat.

Just as our bodies need proper rest and nutritious foods in order to function properly, grow stronger and remain healthy, our minds must likewise be fed daily with wholesome choices, if we expect to have a strong faith-walk connection.

The benefits we receive from feeding our minds with God’s Word are irrefutable. But I would like to take one step back and reflect on other things we take in on a daily basis, whether we realize it or not. I’d like to propose that although we may digest relevant and impactful spiritual truth as we read our bibles, it is often neutralized by junk and empty information that is served by our environment in silver trays daily.

From TV programs to movies we watch, from the music we hear to everything Internet, we are bombarded with information that is, at best, unrealistic and unimportant. We are plugged into a world of make-believe, where our relationships look inadequate, our possessions look meager and Christianity is portrait as weak, pathetic and hypocritical.

As we plug into technology and entertainment and load our brains with its shaded views, we find ourselves too weak to make godly decisions.

And our Faith Bridge starts to crack.

What fills your mind every day? Do you find time not to miss one single episode of the latest reality show and yet, don’t have time for God every day?

Can you miss reading your Bible at any day, but cannot imagine spending an afternoon without Facebook and Twitter?

What about music and movies? Have you grown accustomed to hearing people using profanity against God and His Son?

Do you browse websites that are not fit for a child of God?

These are questions that will indeed reveal the state of your heart and mind. And will answer this question:

Am I abiding in Christ and thriving…

Or am I not abiding in Christ and my mind is starving?


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