Besides parties, fireworks, and countdowns to midnight, the term “brand-new” conjures up all kinds of hopes and dreams.

Although a new year brings excitement about what lies ahead, it may also bring uneasiness about what’s expected of us. Or, what we expect of ourselves.

Then, we make grandiose resolutions and plans and dream bigger and bigger with each passing year trying to top the previous one.

But I never make resolutions. There’s too much burden in making, keeping, measuring, and probable failing at my resolve to change or better myself or an area of my life.

Yet, I like to reflect on the preceding year. Reflection helps me process areas of my life, and consider how to pursue my passions with a passion in the upcoming twelve months.

Still, I realized any new year is not all about me. Or even if I do great things. Instead, it requires roots in something or someone greater than me. And so during my contemplation, a thought would not let go of me:

What if I let God be God this year? 

What will the new year hold if I simply let God do His job as God? And what if I let the Almighty reign over my decisions, circumstances, dreams, and life?

Most importantly, isn’t He the only One who perfectly fills the role as God? No other person or god meets the requirements like our heavenly Father. He’s the most qualified and the most trustworthy.

Therefore, I’m noting 3 ways we let God be G.O.D. this year.

G – Give God the reins and complete reign. 

“God reigns over the nations; God sits on his holy throne.” Psalm 47:8 (ESV)

Often, we take the reins in particular areas of our lives. And it leads to less-than-best outcomes—even turmoil. Instead, we allow the Lord to take the reins, hold the reins, and keep the reins in everything.

This supercharges His Lordship over us as we surrender total control to Him.

When we give up the reins, God reigns supreme. The Lord takes His rightful place in our hearts and lives.

[bctt tweet=”When we give up the reins, God reigns supreme. The Lord takes His rightful place in our hearts and lives. #NewYear @FridayKaren” username=”PatHolbrook”]

O – Obey the Lord and His Holy Word.

“But this command I gave them: ‘Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people. And walk in all the way that I command you, that it may be well with you.’” Jeremiah 7:23 (ESV)

  • Obedience leads to the abundant and spiritual life the Lord intended for us.
  • Obedience was crucial for God’s people to inhabit the Promised Land, and it’s crucial for us to inhabit God’s promised life.
  • Obeying helps us thrive on the Christian journey, not just survive.
  • Obedience unlocks God’s power and amazing wonders in our lives.
  • Obeying is always for our good and God’s glory.

[bctt tweet=”Obedience was crucial for God’s people to inhabit the Promised Land, and it’s crucial for us to inhabit God’s promised life. #NewYear @FridayKaren” username=”PatHolbrook”]

D – Desire God and His dreams above all else. 

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 (ESV)

The requirement to receive our heart’s desires is to delight in the Lord. In addition, a closer look at the entire chapter gives more understanding: Trust in the Lord (verse 3); Commit your way to the Lord (verse 5); The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way (verse 23); Wait for the Lord and keep his way (verse 34).

When we pursue unhindered, unabated, and unadulterated desire and passion for the one true God above anything else in this world, powerful things take place.

  1. Idols fall from their pedestals in our heart.
  2. The gap narrows between the desires of our heart and God’s desires.
  3. We dream big with God. He’s the biggest dreamer of all. Dream with God, you and Him dream best together.


Lord, forgive me for making plans without considering Your plan, and for failing to obey Your Word. I repent of the many times I deny Your Lordship by placing myself, other people or things above You. I’m sorry for dreaming on my own. The best dreams are when we dream together. Help me give up the reins and give You reign in my heart and life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Which of the 3 ways resonates most with you?

*Featured image taken when my husband and I were filming for our YouTube Channel, Friday’s Forever.


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