Stress resizedI spent five weeks visiting my home country, Brazil this Summer. When I left the USA at the end of May, I was very, very tired. For too many reasons to mention, I knew I had to stop and recharge. I knew I had to reevaluate my schedule and priorities and, most of all, I needed to relearn how to enjoy life and simply…BREATHE.

The first thing I decided to do was u.n.p.l.u.g.

And I did just that.

Other than writing my newspaper columns and uploading some pictures every now and then on Facebook to keep my American family and friends updated, I spent lazy days visiting the beaches in my beautiful country… eating
0612161358a(without guilt) the foods that I miss so much, and, most of all, enjoying the people I love.

I won’t tell you that it was an easy thing to do. It took a good bit of convincing myself to let go of my busyness.

I’m kinda addicted to it, really.

In my mind… The dishes can’t wait.

The phone buzzes and I must attend to it…

And, sadly, I often catch myself busier doing the things of God than enjoying His presence.

{Shame on me, I know}.

Even one of my favorite past times, which is reading, had slowly become work for me. I would usually have a pile of three to four books that I was reading… all at the same time.

It was c.r.a.z.y.

And it needed to end.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21 

This verse, hidden in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, marked the turning point. It made me think: “I have to decide where my heart is really anchored… for I know there I will find what I truly treasure.

Is it anchored in being busy in the Name of Jesus… or being devoted to BE like Jesus?

Is it looking for the approval of men… or quietly making Yahweh smile?

Is it doing everything that people ask me to do… or prioritizing my life, following God’s guidance in His Word:

1 – Loving Him above all else (Matthew 22:37)… {which has nothing to do with Kingdom-work madness}…

2 – Loving and caring for my husband and children… {which must include prioritizing time for them}…

3 – Then (and only then)… my ministry work {or secular work for some of you}…

The moment these priorities get messed up, the Holy Spirit sends us signals… and our flesh responds. We become tired, irritable, anxious, jealous… And that which we are supposed to embody – the Fruit of the Spirit – becomes less and less evident in our lives.

Even though we often put on a beautiful, godly front… even though we may say all the right things and look so very holy and separated from worldly things…. deep down inside, we know it:

We need to go back to our First Love.

IMG-20160619-WA0030Sometimes, that takes more than just reading our Bibles and praying. It takes cleaning the plate. Unplugging, resting, and realigning our priorities.

Because we have to remind ourselves that God will not do His work in the direction of His promises for us, if we deliberately step ahead of Him, doing things that He never meant for us to do, knocking down doors that were never meant to be opened anyway.

[bctt tweet=”Our busyness does not rush God. It just quenches our joy and kills our purpose in life.” username=”PatHolbrook”]

Do you feel stretched to the max today, my friend?

Have you lost your joy, maybe even in the middle of doing God’s work? Or while doing something you used to absolutely love?

How long has it been since you rested your mind from social media frenzy?

How long has it been since you left all the cares of the world aside, and paused to look at nature, enjoy the laughter of your children, or love your spouse in complete abandon?

0612161354If it’s been a while, it may just be time to do what I did… Stop, unplug, and invite God into your life once again, listening to Him before continuing on the rat race.

In between silly faces, strolls on the beach, fresh fish and easy conversations with the people I love, I found the rest my body, mind and soul so longed for.

I found myself again.

And my heart, now finding room to breathe, found its way back to my First Love.

In the meantime, this new found peace translated into a new desire to start taking better care of my body and my heart… to laugh more often and even perhaps discover a new hobby.

I’d prescribe it to any Christian caught up in the business of doing instead of being (still and knowing He is God):

Take time to Unplug… And for Heaven’s sake, for your sake, for your family’s sake…

Tell yourself to BREATHE.

You may not be able to go on a sabbatical like I did. But you certainly can put limits on your busyness. You just have
to be willing to openly reevaluate your life and routines.

Life is a beautiful gift… and it goes by


May God help us all to take time to smell the roses, lest we live a meaningless, tired life, and miss His perfect purpose for us.

Do you have any ideas you may want to share with us on how to take time to BREATHE in the midst of YOUR crazy? I would love to read your comments!

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