One morning in January, as I sat in my prayer closet, searching God’s heart for the theme of our ministry’s conference this year, I heard one single word:


As if often happens when the Holy Spirit speaks, I knew exactly what He meant, and where to find it.

1 Peter 2:9-10

But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY. (NASB)

And thus, the theme and verse for She Soars 2017 were established.

Since that day in January, God has confirmed His message for this conference and established the details in amazing ways:

The church that is partnering with us…the speakers… the testimonies… the ministries that have agreed to become part of the conference (CUFI and She Is Safe.)

God has been orchestrating this conference as a beautiful symphony, and I can’t wait to see what He will do on October 14th.

But can I let you in on a secret about ministry?

When God calls you to do something that has the potential to set some of His people free…. When the task before you is bigger than what you can handle… When you need to stay focused and prepare your heart and life to minister to others…

The roaring lion that prowls around seeking to devour goes for his kill. (1 Peter 5:8)

That’s how, since God gave me this message, and lined up the details for this conference… There have been many a day when I have felt less like Royalty… and more like a Royal Mess. And I bet that the other speakers can relate to the fight.

But you know what that does to my heart?

It.Sets.Me.On.HOLY.FIRE !!!!

These past months have been challenging in many ways… but I know where the challenges are coming from:

They come from the enemy of our souls, who wants to destroy those whose territory bring glory to Jesus,

And they come from our God, who allows trouble to weaken our flesh, so we can relate to the pain and weakness that assail those we will minister to… and so He can be the only source of our strength, and the only One who can receive the glory for what will happen.

So, here’s the truth about being CHOSEN as His Royal Priesthood:

All Jesus’ girls go through valleys when they FEEL more like a royal mess than Royal Priesthood.

Every Jesus’ girl has moments when she feels unworthy to be called a Holy Nation.

But The Cross.

The Cross of Calvary is the seal. The seal that ensures me that it does not matter how I feel – I KNOW who I am in Christ.

For, as verse 10 on 1 Peter 2 says (in my own words): Yes, once I could not be considered His heiress, but the cross brought me into the fold… Once I did not receive His Mercy, but the cross made me a recipient of His endless mercy and grace. Halleluiah!

It’s only because of the Cross that I can shout to the world and rise up, fighting like David when he slayed the lion:

I am a CHOSEN Daughter of the Owner of the Universe.

I am His Possession.

And everything He possesses… all His promises… are Mine!

Oh – no question about it. There are days I don’t FEEL like so.


Hey! Jesus’ Girl… if you feel like a royal mess more than His Royal Priesthood, come join us on October 14th, and learn how you can rise up to embrace, grasp, claim, and live on the truth that you are CHOSEN!

Chosen to receive His supernatural peace.

Chosen to have your deepest wounds healed.

Chosen to proclaim the “excellences of Him who has called you out of darkness… and into His marvelous LIGHT.”

Click below to visit the Conference Page, where you will find information about speakers, workshops, worship, scholarships, vendor and advertising opportunities. NEW for 2017: One Workshop in Spanish.

Registrations are now open:




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