Most of my blog readers know that I was not born in the USA. I am originally from Brazil and moved to the US after marrying my American husband in 1999.

Although I have studied English since my childhood, and became an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher when I was only 14, even after decades of studying and speaking this beautiful language, I still marvel at the many expressions left to learn.

Wednesday is Hump Day.

I heard the term not too long ago, and, although I quickly figured out the meaning of the expression, I still decided to look up the history behind the meaning.

I chuckled when I read the definition according to the “Urban Dictionary”:

Wednesday, or the hump of the week

The absolute BEST day of the week, the day of maximum hope that maybe, you might make it out of this week alive. A particularly good hump day can last you the rest of the week, and by Doomday morning (Monday) you survive by anticipating hump day. Nothing goes wrong on hump day.

That last sentence… I don’t know about that.

But this I know – by the time we reach Wednesday each week, most of us are indeed tired and in need of a pick-me-up.

Today is the first post on my blog’s new series: “Recharge Wednesday.”

God put in my heart  the desire to open this blog to other writers, inviting them to bare their souls and encourage God’s children in their walk each week.

We all need encouragement, and that is what you will find each Wednesday here.

It’ll be a pause in the middle of the week, where we will strive to encourage you to more than just “go over the hump,” but rather, press on by faith through each day, rejoicing in the grace and peace that is available to all who follow Jesus.

As always, God confirmed His invitation by sending four wonderful, talented friends to join me in this new endeavor:

Therefore, starting today and every Wednesday, join myself, David Miller (aka Encouragement Dude) –, Stephanie Wilkins (health/holistic medicine extraordinaire) –, Alison Everill (whose raw worship takes you straight into the Throne Room) – and Christy Mobley (the girl who is “Joying in the journey” with Jesus) –

Together, we will pour our hearts out to you,  and seek to encourage you to keep the Faith, dare to Believe and learn to Trust our God more and more each day.

And then, if you are a blogger, we will open the floor for your voice to be heard.

We want to encourage you in your ministry to the Kingdom, and help you grow your audience.

All we ask is that you grab our Recharge Wednesday button from our sidebar by copying and pasting the code on your blog’s sidebar, share that you are joining us on your social media walls by using the hashtag #RechargeWednesday , and visit the blogger who posted before you or after, leaving a comment on their blog to encourage their writing journey.

We would also love for you to follow myself and the other writers on Twitter and like our ministry pages as well.

Join us again next week as David Miller shares his beautiful, honest voice with us. You won’t want to miss it!!

But as for today, feel free to share your blog below and start spreading the word about Recharge Wednesday.

We want Wednesday to be more than the “day of maximum hope that maybe, you might make it out of this week alive.”

We want it to be another day designed for you to SOAR.

Soar above the hustle and bustle.

Soar above the problems that threaten to steal your peace and joy.

Rather than frantically flapping your tired, laboring wings… we invite you to stretch them and let Him be the Wind beneath you…

Let Him sustain you… keep you… strengthen you.

Soar. With. Jesus.

He designed you to do it.

Just be still. Breath in. And Out. And Let His lovingkindness… RECHARGE your day.

Share your Blog with our audience below:

1. Add your Link.

2. Visit the one before or after and encourage them with a comment.

3. Share on social media. Click below to share on Twitter that you are joining us!

[bctt tweet=”I’m Recharging and Linking up today with @PatHolbrook at #RechargeWednesday. Join us?” username=”PatHolbrook”]



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