Me and Doctor Stanley (2)

A Great Way to Celebrate

I had been waiting for this day for a while. And isn’t it just like God that it actually happened two days before the official release  of the paperback version of my first book Twelve Inches on retailers! I didn’t plan it that way at all. God is just that GOOD!

I have spoken at conferences with over 500 women in attendance before. I’ve spoken at live television shows. Yes, it never gets old and I always tremble. Yesterday, as I stood before the man who was used by God to impact my spiritual life forever, it wasn’t any different. My hands shook in humble excitement as I showed him the acknowledgements page in my book, where I wrote, in a few words, of my eternal gratitude.

This was not the first time I talked to my pastor, but it was undoubtedly the most special one.  You see, when my husband and I joined First Baptist Atlanta in 2000, I was a young Christian. I had been saved for only 5 years and, in all honesty, I was still a baby in Christ. It was Dr. Stanley‘s teaching that instilled in my heart the desire to know Jesus in a more intimate way. It was his deep, serene voice that helped bring conviction, peace and healing to my soul through the years. It was through his teaching that I was inspired and challenged to “Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him“, which is one of his most quoted Life Principles.

And because I obeyed… because I said YES when my heart shouted “NO WAY!”, today I hold my published book Twelve Inches.

I wonder what would happen if every Christian followed that principle. Can you imagine the multitudes that would impact the world for Christ with their gifts and talents?

Obeying God is at times a scary thing, I admit. Because He does challenge us to blindly trust Him. And that’s the greatest test of our faith. But the consequences, oh! The consequences are priceless: Deeper faith… peace… and even some pretty awesome dream-come-true moments. Like having your name on the cover of a book that someone else believed enough to invest in.

Truth be told, I never imagined that I would be a writer one day.

When God told me to start this ministry, all I did was say yes, however inadequate I felt.

Then He said, “Step here” (so out of my comfort zone). And I did… and left the results in His hands.

Talk to this person,” He whispered. And I did… and watched as He opened the doors.

Give this up,” He commanded… and as I obeyed, He blessed me with something much better.

That still small voice spoke… and all I did was listen and put one foot after the other in the direction He showed.

True, I’ve lost my way before, caught up in the busyness of life… caught up in the doing, rather than in the being still (and knowing He is still God). But oh, am I ever grateful that the Holy Spirit is always there to call me back to the center of His Perfect will! Am I ever thankful that Grace never ceases to shout: “Come back!“, when I start to get my eyes off of His.

My heart may have said “NO WAY” a thousand times before. But I’ve learned to press on and silence it with what I know about my God. Oh! and by the way, that’s the core message of Twelve Inches: Tell your heart who your God is. Calm it down with the power of His Word. Trust and obey Him… and get ready to be amazed! 

“Obey God… and leave all the consequences to Him.”

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for these inspired words that changed my life forever.

Thank you, Pastor, for instilling in my heart the desire to be all God has designed me to be. I know it’s not about you. You’re the first one to say so. And I so get it. But I thank you for being obedient to the call through the years… Through the storms… and in spite of.

When I grow up, I want to be like you.

In His love,


PS: Hey, would you like to learn a bit more about Twelve Inches and celebrate this day with us? Watch this 13-minute TV Interview at Atlanta Live and learn what this book is about and about my upcoming book tour with my friend and singer Sandra Onal. God bless!

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