Happy Wednesday!

Today, our linkup features the winner of this month’s Guest Contributor contest, Karen Woodall. Karen is one of the faithful participants of our weekly linkup and is a talented writer. Her beautiful post made me pause to think about the meaning of Easter all over again, and it will certainly bless you as well. You have probably read Karen’s work before, even if you did not realize it. Check her bio below and you will probably agree. Enjoy her post, visit her blog and encourage this sister in her ministry!

And, as always, thank you for Recharging with us!



I just dropped one of my dogs off at the vet for unscheduled surgery to (hopefully) correct a condition we’ve been trying to overcome for almost two months. This comes after a night when I was up way too late making sure the projects due after spring break were completed. More end of the year homeschool assignments and finals are bearing down on my children, and at the same time, I’m desperately trying to help my son navigate the convoluted admissions and documentation process for the college he will attend in the fall. There are deadlines approaching at my job, and my husband is stretched thin across too many deadlines of his own, and in our “leisure” time, our garden needs to be planted, a mini-construction/renovation project demands to be finished, and some serious yard work must be attended to before one of any number of dead trees fall on our house.

As I was driving home, my stressed-out, frustrated, and over-tired mind was redirected by the radio host’s account of his family’s activities last week during Easter.

“Easter?  Why, yes. That was only a little over a week ago,” I reminded myself.

But in almost the same instance, another thought crowded into my mind… “But what difference does that make now?”

Sure, like most believers, we did a lot of commemorating and reflecting during Holy week … but are special family gatherings and once a year worship service the only way we should celebrate the resurrection of our Lord? If less than two weeks have passed since the official observance of Easter and we’re already angst-filled and smothered by the normal attitudes, responsibilities and routines of life, could it be that we’ve missed the point of His resurrection altogether?

Maybe what we really need to do is to keep reading the story…

If you flip over a few pages from the end of the Gospels and to Acts in your Bible, you’ll discover that by verse 9 of the first chapter, Jesus is not only resurrected, He’s ascended back into heaven where He (as Paul later tells us) is “seated at the right hand of God.” (Col 3:1) Sitting at the right hand of a king meant that the person acts with the authority of the ruler and is equal in power, honor and position. So this designation places the risen Christ as governing over all of creation. No longer the meek and mild suffering servant of the Gospels, He’s now exalted as the King of kings and Lord of lords!  (Rev. 17:14)

And that positional change for Jesus should change us as well.

[bctt tweet=”If we know Jesus through faith as Savior, we should also boldly count on Him to also rule as Lord.” username=”PatHolbrook”]

That means when stress builds, emotions escalate, and obligations threaten to overwhelm us, we’re not helpless, nor do we have to default to using our own (limited) power to ‘do the best we can.’

Keep moving on in the New Testament and you’ll find Peter’s emphasis in chapter one of his first letter.  Verse 3 says “In his great mercy (God) has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead”

This verse unmistakably links our confidence today to the certainty of Christ’s triumph over death and the grave.  But the kind of hope the New Testament writers emphasized goes beyond the desire to have circumstances turn out the way we plan. Even if our situations don’t change (or worsen), we can be confident that our living Lord dwells with us and in us so that through His Spirit, we can be changed… resurrected from our old and dead ways of living, and daily resting in a brand new hope that’s centered in who Jesus is – our victorious King!

[bctt tweet=”While the calendar may say that Easter has passed, the impact of this pivotal event should never end for believers. He IS risen … and He Reigns!  And that’s a truth we should never stop celebrating! @Switchbaxx”  username=”PatHolbrook”]

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms
~ Ephesians 1:18-20


Karen is a writer and editor at InTouch, the teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley, has contributed over 50 articles and sidebars to The Jesus Bible (2016, Zondervan), and continues to help develop and write the discipleship materials for Flourish, the women’s mentoring program at Passion City Church (Louie Giglio). She contributes to Bayside Community Church devotional ministry (Florida), writes for an international teaching ministry directed toward impoverished Christians, and posts a weekly Christian discipleship article for her own website. She continues to lead in the study of God’s Word with the hope of helping others see how our great God is always at work in all situations to draw us more deeply into relationship with Him.

You can connect with Karen at www.switchbacks.org

LINKUP PARTY opens at 6 am EST!

Christian Bloggers, come share your Blog with our audience below:

1. Add your Link.

2. Visit the blogger before or after and encourage them with a comment.

3. Share on social media. Click below to share on Twitter that you are joining us! We would love to have you follow the ministry on Twitter and Facebook as well: Soaring with Him FB Page


[bctt tweet=”LINKUP Party is open! Today, Karen Woodall reminds us to keep the joy of Easter in our hearts every day. Join us? @Switchbaxx” username=”PatHolbrook”]


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