I’m looking down the barrel of a CRAZY week!  Anyone else out there feeling the same way?  I’m sitting here on a rainy Monday, trying to reel my shrapnelled thoughts into some semblance of order so I can accomplish something.

It’s times like this when it does me good to remember the Lord.

“From the end of the earth will I cry to Thee, when my heart is overwhelmed:  lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”  Ps. 61:2

So, today, I am remembering.  Because I know if I can remember the goodness of the Lord in the past, I can deftly navigate the crazy of today with the knowledge that He is with me and His grace has run ahead of my busy and overwhelmed week.  It’s already there in the chaos to come, waiting for me at just the moment I need it.

Sometimes it helps me to recall a specific time in my life when I saw the Lord’s hand of faithfulness.  Can I share a story with you?

I have 3 of the most beautiful boys the Lord ever placed on the planet.  I mean it.  They are gorgeous.  But then, I’m their mom, so what else am I going to say.

Anyway, they all play baseball and have for years.  Not too many years ago, as we were preparing for baseball season, I realized that none of the boys had cleats that fit them anymore.  It’s hard to put into words the panic I felt with this realization.  I wanted to gather them all up in the car, run to the store and just pick out 3 pairs of cleats.  But I knew I couldn’t do that.  We just didn’t have the money.  God had supplied all of our needs, but I knew there was no way in the world I could afford to buy 3 pairs of cleats.

I was in the kitchen on a homeschooling day stewing on this and fighting for all was worth to not worry about this cleat situation.  When I suddenly remembered that I didn’t HAVE to worry about it.  And even more than that, I was commanded NOT to worry about it.  My sweet pastor hubs always says,

“If we need it, God will supply it.  If we don’t have it, it must not be a need.”

Not very profound, I know, but that statement has helped me out on more than one occasion.  However, very profound is this statement from my heavenly Father:

“Do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.”  Phil.  4:6-7

I made a decision.  I was NOT going to worry, I was going to OBEY. So, I gathered up my 3 boys and we sat down in a circle on the kitchen floor.  I said, “Guys, we need cleats, right?”  Big eyes, heads bobbing up and down.  “We don’t have the money to pay for cleats right now.”  Sad eyes, heads drooping.  “Is Jesus able to supply those cleats if He wants to?”  Excited eyes, heads nodding fiercely.  “Ok then.  We are not going to worry, we are going to pray and ask the Lord for cleats and thank Him for what He is going to do.”  Eyes closed and heads bowed.  It was a sacred moment.

They next day, I was with the boys in the car on the way to work.  I had a few extra minutes to spare and happened to see a garage sale sign.  Now, if you know me at all, you know I’m a garage sale, Goodwill, thrift shop beast!  So, of course, I stopped.  The boys all piled out of the car ahead of me and went running toward the merchandise.

One of my sons made a B-line to a plastic bin and started yelling, “Mom!  Look!”  I knew before I even got to him what was in that bin.  Cleats.  I ran to him and we started digging.  There were not 1, but 2 pairs in the right sizes for each son at the whopping price of $1 a pair.  I was overwhelmed.   As my son clutched a pair of cleats in his arms, he said with wonder, “Mom, look with God did!  We prayed for cleats and look what He did!”

With tears streaming down my face, I gathered up my boys and we stopped right there and thanked the Lord.  Then it hit me, the Holy Spirit is our Paraclete, our Helper who comes alongside.  And He sure had lived up to His name that day.  My Paraclete had provided the Pairs-A-Cleats.  Whew…

I hope you will be overwhelmed today with some remembrance of the Lord’s goodness.

“But my God shall supply all you need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Phil. 4:19

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