In Greece they were called Apollo, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis and Dionysus, to name a few. In Egypt, it all started with Atum, the first god to exist. Atum coughed and spat out Shu, the god of the air, and Tefnut, the goodness of moisture. Following were countless gods and centennial dynasties of Egyptian pharaohs, who were (of course) also gods.

And Then there was Rome.

The first nation to persecute Christians worshipped Jupiter, Neptune, Venus and others. Her emperors were also gods and would not consent the exclusivity of what they called “this new cult,” which spread throughout the region and beyond, claiming that there was One, Holy God, His Name was Yahweh and His Son, Yeshua Hamashiach. Yahweh’s very law made it clear: there was no room for other gods amongst His people.  Because of that, His Name has been persecuted throughout the centuries.

Fast forward to the 21st century.

Worship pluralism is greater today than it’s ever been. We may not bow before them, offer sacrifices or worship in their temples. But we worship them, regardless.

Their names? Kylie Jenner, Social Media, Football, My Retirement Portfolio, BMW, just to name a few.

There is also the fact that we have also positioned ourselves as gods, sacrificing our babies in the name of self.

“It’s my body,” they say…

“And I shall worship it,” they should add.

“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:3

We have replaced the carved statues with the objects of our affection. Whether they are a person, our sports team or our own desires, as a society, we have taken God out of His ranking as first in our lives and now we worship Him when it’s convenient and pleasant. We have time for Facebook, but we don’t have time for His Word. We know who dates who in Hollywood, but we turn a blind eye to the veiled infiltration of immorality in our school system. As a nation, we accept. As Christians, we often silence. In the meantime, God’s indignation grows bigger each day. Not just with the nations, their presidents and leaders, but also with His people. His CHOSEN people.

So what are we, Christians to do?

“After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice.” John 10:4 (NLT)

We can’t know His voice if we don’t make spending time with Him a priority. 

It’s as simple as that.

I cannot expect to have a good marriage if my husband becomes one of the last items on my busy agenda…

Parents and grandparents cannot expect to have a good relationship with adult children if they did not have time for them while they were young…

A house does not clean itself.

We must make time with God a priority.

For several years, before I got married, my time to commune with God was in the evenings, before I went to bed. But in the past 20 tears, I have chosen to have my quiet time in the morning, before I start my daily activities. Several years ago, we turned a “junk” closet under our stairs into a prayer room. That’s my sacred meeting place.

You may not need to go into a closet. For many years, my “closet” was my car, during my commute hours in Atlanta traffic. For you, it may be a walk in the park. That’s one of my favorite places as well. The point is not where, but what. Our lives as so busy, that we can easily miss God’s voice. He speaks. All.the.time! But are we listening? The reason many of us end up “slipping” into a life of spiritual complacency is that we are not listening to God.

[bctt tweet=”As His children, we really should not need a pastor or a friend to tell us how to live. We should be able to hear and simply obey. ” username=”PatHolbrook”]

Truthfully, before we can make a difference in our country, in our world, we need to allow God to change US. We need to be still for long enough to allow Him to hear His directions.

More than service, more than giving, more than anything, God wants to spend time with you. It is in the quietness of your heart that He speaks. In the stillness of your soul that He guides your steps.

[bctt tweet=”And as He takes His place in your life as first, intimate and essential, Yahweh reigns. His will prevails. His ways win. He remains the One and only God in your life.” username=”PatHolbrook”]

A challenge – Join me?

21-days – 15 minutes God First Challenge

This challenge is for you, who find yourself “slipping to a life of complacency” towards God.

We will spend 15 minutes a day alone with God and His Word. Here’s what you need:

  1. Find a place in your home to meet with God.
  2. Establish a time and stick to it. Make it an appoinment in your agenda. Plan your day around it.
  3. Get your Bible, a journal and get ready!
  4. Join our Facebook Group so we can have discussions about how this challenge is impacting your life.
  5. Share this post on your Social Media wall and invite your friends to join us!

Let me know if you are joining us by commenting below or on my Facebook wall/group: “I am in!”

[bctt tweet=”Need to go back to your First Love? Join me for this 21-Day/15-minute Challenge! ” username=”PatHolbrook”]

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