This is a truly amazing book! It has affected me in so many ways! It taught me that no matter what the trial, problem, or need, we can always bring it to God through prayer. A bible verse that really spoke to me was Matthew 7:7 “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened to you.”

Something happened to my uncle similar to what happened to Nate in the book. Nate Saint was in a plane crash and was horribly injured. Well, on June 30th, 2012 my uncle, Donnie Holbrook’s plane crashed. Sadly, he did not make it. The whole family was devastated. But we know that he is in a better place now. Since then we have been knocking on Heaven’s door every day and asking Him for strength and comfort. And He has been there for us every time.

This book taught me that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). It also taught me that Jesus wants all that we do to please him. I’ve learned so many great things!! You should really read it.

I have goals. And I know with God’s help, I can accomplish them. Some of my goals or dreams are: to do something like writing songs, or maybe writing a book, speaking about Jesus and helping with Operation Christmas Child. My mom is working on having her ministry support that organization, so that goal may be accomplished really soon! Also, one day, I hope to have my own blog!!!!

This book has also helped me to see missionaries with a whole new perspective!!! It made me want to serve God, throughout my life. Even though I am young, with God, I can do great things! It makes me happy to want to help others through ministry .Even though I may not know what God’s plan for me is yet, I can begin by doing little things. Only God knows what the future holds. He knows I love Him and want to help others find Him.
What are your goals? You’re never too young to start writing them down.

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