This is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God.
–  Micah 6:8 –

Happy 4th, Soaring Community!

I was ready to take a break from the blog this week, when my friend and contributor for Recharge Wednesday David Miller sent me an email that pulled at my heartstrings.

The post spoke of a subject that is very dear to my heart: Adoption.

Right there is a word that has affected many people I know. Including myself.

My oldest sister was adopted by my parents at the age of 8. I cannot imagine life without Ana. She was my role model, and the best big sister a girl could have asked for.

Then several of my close friends have adopted children, and I have watched God write amazing stories in the lives of these sweet families.

So when I read the post about the Haviland family and Kolya, I decided to share this story with our community, asking you to pray for them, as well as pray about helping this young man come home to a family who will love him with all they have.

Without further ado, I invite you to visit LifeLetter Cafe to read this heartwarming story. In the meantime, may God give you a wonderful Independence week, as we thank Him for the blessings we share by living in this great country. I’ll meet you here next week!

Click below to read Kolya’s story: 

Bring Kolya Home


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